About Me

One of my interests for quite some time it is having a blog site of my own. So here I'm finally starting the damn thing.

So let's start with an "easy" one. Presenting my self:

I was born in AsunciĆ³n, Paraguay and writing from here now. I have graduated in Telecommunications Engineering at Facultad de Ingernieria of the Universidad Nacional de AsunciĆ³n.

As I started the faculty courses I also started tweaking around with Linux Systems, trying Distros, programs, making things work most of the time.

At the time apart from my Linux's experimentation in the University we had some courses on C, Matlab/Octave and SQL, but I felt that I was far from been a Software Engineer. So I started learning more about Python, and Algorithms and Data Structures. Then I stuck across the term Full Stack Software Developer, and I learned that you can do almost anything in a language called JavaScript.

So I started learning more about HTML, CSS and JavaScript half of the day between my last courses in the University. After I felt more comfortable with these new concepts and technologies. I decided that I will try to work on that full time. So, I created my a GitHub page with my little projects, and after searching and some Resume sending, I landed my first job in a local company as a Software Developer in late 2021.

Currently, I'm working as a Full Stack Developer, mostly in projects using Django and React Native as the main stack and looking to expand my knowledge and experience.